Sunday, January 27, 2013

Passing Failure..

Hey Beauties!
So, I haven't been keeping up with my promise of updating more often. But in this regard it's definitely better late than never, so here we go!
For the longest time I struggled with the fear of success, I think I disguised it as being afraid of failure. But looking back I was afraid of success. Afraid of being better than everyone else. Worried about having to explain to my family why I'm doing better than them or making them feel inferior. Most people family's want them to do better, I never got that feeling from my family. It was always questions of why you want to do xyz. The complacency is why they are in the situations they are in now. I don't blame them though, they didn't know any better.

For awhile now I've been just making enough. Never really reaching my full potential. One day I woke up and asked myself, "why"?  Why struggle when you don't have to? Why are you accepting mediocrity in your life? Since then, I've been actively pushing myself to break the cycle of self neglect.
The Secret really helped opened my eyes to my self destructive habits. I figured out how my attitude affected my life. Like attracts like. I was full of negative thoughts, there fore I was living a negative life.  After I read The Secret became more conscious of my moods and the energy I was exerting. It's all a matter of how you want to feel. I actively choose to be happy. When I wake up I treat every day as a new day, because that's what it is. There's no point in carrying yesterday's drama, sadness or disappointment into the new day.
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. 
Bill Cosby 
It's like we stress over nothing, ALLL the time. Think about it like this, has crying, been sad or angry EVER solved your problem? I can honestly say it hasn't solved any of mine. Once you grasp that concept you can move on with your life. 
Most people claim to be religious and such. So, if you serve a faithful God then why are you worried? What ever is going to happen will not change. 

With saying all of that I want you to invest in yourself daily. If you are religious study the word. If you are like me and still trying to figure yourself out I suggest reading The Secret. Everyone should write their goals and have a dream board. Get started in taking control of your life. 

Stay Beautiful!

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