Sunday, December 2, 2012

We Need To Focus..

Hey Beauties!
If you guys are keeping up with us you can clearly see that we haven't been posting on the timeline that we originally set, Our B! Hopefully that will be our last hiccup! I mean how can we be encouraging to anyone if we can't even get our own ish straight!  I know there are people out there who waaaaaayy busier than me and they manage to do all of the things they set out to do. So, there really isn't an excuse.

With that being said let's start this week off on a clean slate with obtainable goals!

The most important thing to do, in my opinion, with goals are to make them obtainable and give yourself time to actually complete them. Make appointments with yourself and KEEP them. If you are planning on blogging, working out or whatever your thing might be it's best to actually make the time to do it. We have 24 hours in a day, minus the 8 you should be sleeping you still have another 16. Lessen the time you spend on instagram, facebook and twitter or at least use those resources to promote your brand and increase your following. At the end of the day you have to be productive when trying to succeed.

If you find yourself having no time for things that you enjoy, something has to change. Cut back on giving so much of yourself if it interferes with you being the best version of yourself.  For me, if I don't have the time or chance to decompress from the world it makes me irritable and cranky. I'm learning that I need TEI TIME, without it I'm a bitch in the negative sense. Everyday isn't the same, some days I need less time others I might need more.

Here are my quick tips on staying focused:

1. Remove or limit your distractions. Personally, I concentrate better with things going on around me. Don't know why I just do. If I'm in complete silence I get antsy and uncomfortable.

2. Set a realistic Goal. For all my fitness heads it's unrealistic to think that you are going to lose 50lbs in 3 days, give yourself a real time frame.

3. Create A Vision Board.  Put quotes or images up that help keep you motivated. A refresher as to why you started on the path you did is sometimes needed.

4. Don't Fear Failure.  I used to fear success and failure. I played things safely and did what was expected of me. I've learned that some successes are disguised as failures, I welcome both equally.

If you need an additional push here's a quick reading list: The Alchemist, The Four Agreements and The Secret.

Stay Focused, Beauties!

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