Sunday, December 2, 2012

We Need To Focus..

Hey Beauties!
If you guys are keeping up with us you can clearly see that we haven't been posting on the timeline that we originally set, Our B! Hopefully that will be our last hiccup! I mean how can we be encouraging to anyone if we can't even get our own ish straight!  I know there are people out there who waaaaaayy busier than me and they manage to do all of the things they set out to do. So, there really isn't an excuse.

With that being said let's start this week off on a clean slate with obtainable goals!

The most important thing to do, in my opinion, with goals are to make them obtainable and give yourself time to actually complete them. Make appointments with yourself and KEEP them. If you are planning on blogging, working out or whatever your thing might be it's best to actually make the time to do it. We have 24 hours in a day, minus the 8 you should be sleeping you still have another 16. Lessen the time you spend on instagram, facebook and twitter or at least use those resources to promote your brand and increase your following. At the end of the day you have to be productive when trying to succeed.

If you find yourself having no time for things that you enjoy, something has to change. Cut back on giving so much of yourself if it interferes with you being the best version of yourself.  For me, if I don't have the time or chance to decompress from the world it makes me irritable and cranky. I'm learning that I need TEI TIME, without it I'm a bitch in the negative sense. Everyday isn't the same, some days I need less time others I might need more.

Here are my quick tips on staying focused:

1. Remove or limit your distractions. Personally, I concentrate better with things going on around me. Don't know why I just do. If I'm in complete silence I get antsy and uncomfortable.

2. Set a realistic Goal. For all my fitness heads it's unrealistic to think that you are going to lose 50lbs in 3 days, give yourself a real time frame.

3. Create A Vision Board.  Put quotes or images up that help keep you motivated. A refresher as to why you started on the path you did is sometimes needed.

4. Don't Fear Failure.  I used to fear success and failure. I played things safely and did what was expected of me. I've learned that some successes are disguised as failures, I welcome both equally.

If you need an additional push here's a quick reading list: The Alchemist, The Four Agreements and The Secret.

Stay Focused, Beauties!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I can already tell that this week is going to busy. Filled with work, packing, preparations for the blog and most of all, my social life... But in the midst of all of this chaos, I find time to; go on facebook and see what's going on in my social media world. 12 notification, 5 inboxed messages... Oh its my girls b-day! Let me click on her page to say what's up...

Oh wait, what's this? As I look at my home page I can't help but to notice that one of my early loves has gotten married... A part of me kinda is in shock. I feel some kinda way... Black Starr's "Brown Skin Lady" is blasting on Pandora. I reflect on how this love of mine made a cd for me and this song was one of my favorites. I never heard of this group or song before. But he introduced me to so many things I had never seen, heard, tasted or experienced in life before meeting him. A new culture of people, a different way of eating because he was a vegetarian with some of the most prettiest brown eyes.

He taught me sensuality and how touching certain spots could make me orgasm. But I introduced him to hot, steamy, raw sex. Yea he was a virgin and said that he was waiting on the right woman to reach his climax with.

Yea, good memories that I will always cherish. We were 2 different people my mother reminded me. As I told her of his recent nuptials. And I can honestly say that we were. But I have never found a man who loved me the way he loved me. There is a part of me that wants to believe that I still have a part of his heart. Where ever I go he goes... I wonder what it would be like if I stayed, gave him support and worked through his hardships while I was on top. Would we have children? Would we be a happy couple? I wonder what it would be like. I just hope she treats him right and loves him as much as I did, he deserves it... Oh wow! I kinda traveled off for a min. Let me log off of Fb. Back to packing boxes and on to my next stage in life. Constantly moving... I'm happy for you my love...
BITCH focus!

Monday, November 12, 2012

New. Beginnings?

I'm moving. Again.
I hate moving. I hate the idea of sorting through my things and attempting to figure out what goes and what stays. I hate the piles, and the categorization of a life built inside whatever four walls I'm inhabiting at the moment.

This is where I grew up. Life broke my heart here and somehow it was magically put back together as well. I hate this is where I learned how to be brave, how to fight, and also how to surrender. This is what a home does, right?

I hate strangers pillaging my memories as they make their own. I hate I won't walk pass the wall where we use to laugh about the trick we played on someone. I don't want to try to figure out when I'll see you again. The state moving leaves me is heavy and unforgiving until I can rebuild these feelings. I hate not seeing the stain we put on the ceiling after a mishap in the kitchen. I hate in my new place when I recall how I got the scar on my arm the missing shelf won't be there. I hate knowing when I call you won't come.

I've met disappointment at your hands and have suffered embarrassment by your tongue. Too many emotional ups and downs and not nearly enough time to process these feelings. I'll be better without you. I want to pack away every loss you were responsible for. I reject your truth, I am better than what I've accepted within these four walls. I am deserving of a new beginning.

I hate that you will hate me for moving and having the courage to leave first. I hate I'm afraid I won't remember your smell. I hate I think for a second you could replace me. I hate that I care. 

I hate I have to hate moving.
I'm moving.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Allow Us to Re-Introduce Ourselves

If you've somehow stumbled on to this site then *fist pumps* and hi-fives all around! We are excited for you guys to join us on our journey of being better women and active members of our community, while inspiring other young women to do the same.
Please don't be discouraged or offended by the site's name.  If you are offended or feel some kind of way then this may not be the place for you.

On to the introductions:
Yolanda Parrish, CEO of Hermosa Cosmetics

I am a woman who figured out what she wanted out of life early. I consider myself a realist and keeping it 1000% real is what I have to do. I see life situations in black and white but I live my life in a lot of color. I have been a makeup artist for 13 years and l love what I do it's a calling of some sort. As a makeup artist its my business to inform women when they look a mess! I try to do it in the most diplomatic way possible... But majority of the time, I just keep it real... I do acknowledge women and their inner beauty as well. What women need to know is that their inner light shines far more brighter than their outward appearance. Women today need to focus on them; what matters the most to them in life. FOCUS! Focus on you and what can make you a better woman, wife, mother, sister and friend.  Stop letting yourself go, but don't over compensate for the things that are missing in your life as well. Even though I give advice to my customers, friends and even family. I struggle with life and her many issues. One thing I will never do, is give up. Many times I have to say to myself, "Bitch focus!" I am not an exception to the rule! Being in total control of herself is the way of life and the beginning of living....

Tei, Creativitei

My life's plans have shifted into how I can be of better service to others. Growing up I didn't have an opportunity to have mentors or anyone to guide me in general. My mission is to break the cycle of young ladies who live in places where pregnancy rates are high for teenagers and the "welfare legacy" is common. I aim to be an inspiration to those in need. You can call me your life coach.

Together we plan on giving advice on fashion, make-up, financial budgeting, life skills and helping you become the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF.Remember that you are in control of your life and only you can determine your ceiling and your floor.

Stay Beautiful B.I.T.C.Hes.